Theological Hmm: Penuriousness begets penuriousness. - Ellen White
Coming soon:
HOW TO LISTEN TO SABBATH SCHOOL AND CHURCH ON YOUR PHONE If you (or a senior you know) have limited or no internet access but want to listen to Sabbath School (9:30am) and church (11am) on your phone, you can call 1 (312) 626-6799 (*long distance charges may apply) and enter Meeting ID 974 0616 4323. When prompted, please also add the password: 4909. There will be a new Meeting ID for Sabbath July 17.
HOW TO WATCH SABBATH SCHOOL AND CHURCH Search "Streaming Channels" in Roku enabled SmartTV's for "Toledo First SDA Church" OR tune in to the church Facebook page OR tune in to the church website.
IGLESIA ADVENTISTA DE TOLEDO CONTINUES @ 10:30am - 12:45pm in church fellowship hall. Tenemos servicio en español en la sala del comedor todos los sábados de 10:30am - 12:45pm.
PRAYER PARTNERS For those of you with additional needs and intercessory prayer requests, prayer partners will welcome you at the front of the church after our closing song and blessing.
FROM BABYLON TO AMERICA BOOK Big thanks and way to go to those in town and able attend or bring people to our summer outreach effort showing From Babylon to America at Maumee Indoor Theatre before and after the holiday weekend. If you missed it but would still like to see or share it, English and Spanish copies of the DVD are avail to purchase. It is also streaming on Amazon Prime Video (if you have subscription to that). And you can also download a PDF copy of the eBook (basically the script of the movie) for free by clicking here or requesting a hard copy from the church office a few days in advance.
TJA REGISTERING STUDENTS FOR FALL There are new student, returning student, school calendar, and EdChoice / Northwest Ohio Scholarship Fund (NOSF) documents available for downloading and sharing at their website. If you know of a K-8 student who would benefit from small class sizes, high academics, and a warm family atmosphere send them to
BEFORE WE CALL THEM STRANGERS provides an overview of the basic teachings of three major world religions: Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism. But this is much more than a textbook. After introducing each religion, professor of missiology in the School of Theology at Walla Walla University, Dr. Dybdahl shares personal interviews with two adherents of each faith. You will find these more intimate conversations with devout Muslims, Buddhists, and Hindus to be thought-provoking and perhaps even surprising. Next, Dr. Dybdahl reflects on what we might learn from this process of prayerful engagement with those of other faiths. In the final chapter, readers will find a list of twelve areas of commonality among these religions and receive the Great Commission challenge. You can purchase this book at
CAMP MEETING JUL 9 - 10 Join Adventists across Ohio at beautiful Camp Mohaven and the Mount Vernon Hill Church for a weekend of worship together! Click here for more info and to register for your free lunch.
SUMMER S.O.A.P (Scripture / Observation / Application / Prayer) GROUPS JUL 10 Will be meeting @ 2pm after Sack Lunch Sabbaths / Friendship Dinners on JUL 10 and JUL 24 so save the dates! Join us as we learn to Pray / Read / Share for a relationship with Jesus!
OLIVER'S COVID TESTING OUTREACH IDEA JUL 11 FROM 9AM - 6PM Whether everyone is returning to work, attending an event, or traveling, Oliver from Toledo First recommends a company called IndiviDx that can provide PCR Covid-19 testing and Antibodies testing for free to our parishioners and the surrounding community. So if you need testing or know someone who does, let them know!
FRIENDSHIP DINNER JUL 24 Friendship Dinners are meals prepared by a team of volunteers and served to you. They are not a potluck where individuals bring food from home to share and help themselves. This one will feature foods (not spicy) from Kenya. So start thinking of a friend to join you for church. And enjoy a good meal with friends afterward.
MONTHLY MEN'S FELLOWSHIP GROUP CONTINUES SUN JUL 25 at 4pm and continues meeting the last Sunday / month July 25 and August 29 at church from 4-6pm. Join us for smoothies and burgers and devotionals based on Psalm 88. Written by a strong guy named He-Man, his name means "faithful." But as we shall see, it's obvious the author was suffering and struggling through feelings of unfaithfulness. We'll be studying verses 8-10 on July 25 and verses 11-18 on August 29. So guys, read ahead and get ready to huddle up!
MONTHLY PLANTSTRONG PEOPLE GROUP CONTINUES WED JUL 28 Be encouraged by Tiffany, Caroline, Sunita and Joan as they share some of their fave meals. Each gathering meets at church the last Wednesday of the month at 7pm. Free. Public welcome. So make plans now to introduce others to Jesus the Creator of all good food (Genesis 1:29).
WIN SOME WITNESSING JUL 31 Nobody coerced Cleopas and his family members to pray / read / or share. But “Within the hour”, Luke 24:33 says they ran into the darkness to share the good news about reading Scripture, even the Old Testament in their case, for a relationship with Jesus. We don't share or witness because we have to; we share because we want to! Because Jesus' love burns within our hearts. And we want our children and grandchildren and world we live in to grasp God’s love too. Join us JUL 31 / AUG 21 / AUG 28 for more on how to share God's love at home, work, and in our neighborhoods.
DAD JOKE OF THE WEEK I used to hate facial hair. But then it grew on me.
MISS A MESSAGE? Did you know you can read the sermon notes via Google Docs by clicking this link for Pastor Mike's Sermons?
WISHIN' FOR MISSION Spiral coin wishing wells not only raise money, they act as a "billboard" promoting your charity or project. Created in 1985 by Steve Divnick, an Adventist member of Kettering SDA Church, you'll see these popular wells in zoos, museums and many churches now including ours. The coins we collect will go toward Toledo First mission projects like land for we're hoping to purchase in Pakistan to build an Adventist school for boys and girls.
NEW THREE ANGELS MESSAGES BOOKLET The day is rapidly approaching when changes underway in our world will make it restrictive to share this gospel. The time is now! Join us in getting this message of the saving grace of Christ to the world. Pick up the new Three Angels Messages booklet on the table in church to share with your family, friends, and neighbors.
QUESTIONS have come to the Biblical Research Institute regarding the Seventh-day Adventist position on the Mark of the Beast in relation to Sunday observance, the conditionality of prophecy, and pertinent statements by Ellen G. White. You can read and download the response. Hard copies of the article "Answers to Questions on the Mark of the Beast and End Time Events" are also available in the church office by request.
THIRD QUARTER, 2021, BIBLE STUDY GUIDES (QUARTERLIES) and are now in the church foyer as well as the yellow ‘Signs’ box under the east church canopy entrance. You can also download the Bible Study Guides here. Or search in your app store (search for the blue and white "Sabbath School" logo in the category Education) and study in your app as well.
FAITHFUL ALLIES Recently, a high school friend asked me: Why would a loving God destroy Sodom and Gomorrah? The Bible gives three reasons. Since June is also LGBTQ Pride Month, you and your family might want to also become more familiar with the Scriptural principles in being Faithful Allies of God and those struggling with same sex attraction. Here's the pastoral response I shared.
FAITH OVER FEELINGS Here’s an inspirational article about a Christian woman who decided to live by faith in Scripture rather than her same sex attracted feelings.
MODERN ISRAEL AND BIBLE PROPHECY How should Christians view Israel? Is the modern-day 1948 statehood of Israel a fulfillment of Bible prophecy? Mark A. Kellner, in this Adventist Review article, poses these questions. Was the repossession of Jerusalem by Jews in 1967 forecast by Jesus? Are these things signs of the times? Newbold College Religion Professor Ernest W. Marter addresses these questions in this Ministry Magazine article. You can read or download your own copies from the links above. Hard copies of both articles are also available in the church office by request.
RECOMMENDED BOOKS ABOUT MODERN ISRAEL Additional recommended reads about modern Israel written by Seventh-day Adventists include: The Restless Land: Israel, Its Place in History and Prophecy by Orly M. Berg (Amazon); The Mystery of Israel by Jacque Doukhan (also available to download as eBook at; Israel and the Church by Jacque Doukhan (Amazon); The Israel of God in Prophecy by Hans K. LaRondelle (Amazon); and Exploding the Israel Deception by Steve Wohlberg (Amazon).
PLANTSTRONG BOOKS Everything you need to know to begin implementing a plant-based diet can be found in From Plant to Plate by Tami Bivens, (available at and The Engine 2 Seven-Day Rescue Diet (available at Amazon). Which sounds like it was written by a Seventh-day Adventist but was not. It was written by triathlon champion and former Austin firefighter Rip Esselstyn whose firefighting friends embraced its concepts and lost weight (up to 14 pounds), lowered total cholesterol (by 32 points on average), dropped their LDL cholesterol (by 22 points on average), lowered their triglycerides (by 75 points on average), and lowered their blood pressure by an average of 10/5 points.
WELCOME SABBATH SINGALONG Jackie and I welcome Sabbath with Sandra Entermann and friends from Australia. She started streaming her Friday evening family vespers. And she's still going strong attracting viewers from around the world. You can search and find her latest episode on YouTube and Facebook. Happy Sabbath!
OUR FOOD PANTRY HAS BEEN FEEDING SEVERAL FAMILIES A WEEK and we always need canned veggies, canned fruit, breakfast foods, spaghetti sauce, peanut butter, jelly, canned soups, canned tuna and chicken, and any other non-perishable food items our congregation would care to donate on a weekly basis. Also, funds contributed to the pantry help a great deal as they allow the purchase of needed items.
OFFICE HOURS Pastor Mike is available evenings by appointment TUE - SAT. And also welcomes walk-in visits TUE and WED during business hours in church office.
MEMBER SURVEY Do you have a prayer request? Bible question? Would you like a visit? Phone call or video chat? Would you like to get involved in some ministry at Toledo First? Would you like to receive automated church updates via phone or text message? A member survey where you can submit this info is now avail on our website.
CHILDREN'S SABBATH SCHOOLS Cradle Roll (0-2) and Kindergarten (3-6) meets in the school. Primary (7-9) meets in the church library. Juniors (10-12) will meet in their usual classroom at the same time in the daycare area and Youth (13+) will continue meeting in the Youth room. Singspiration for all ages remains in sanctuary and begins at 9:30am.
TEXT EM ALL The company that allows us to record and send periodic 30 to 60 second voice updates from church also provides texts now. Soon everyone who has previously received calls will also receive a message via text (unless you opt out or provided or landline number).
AMAZON SMILE Simply by starting your Amazon shopping at and selecting Toledo Junior Academy as your charity of choice, a percentage of your purchase will go to TJA.
RITE AID will give TJA a portion of every dollar you spend on prescriptions and purchases made at Rite Aid. Follow the link above to register with RXfundraising. Thank you again for your continued support of TJA!
FORECASTING HOPE MOVES TO YOUTUBE Previously published links for Forecasting Hope expired NOV 15, 2020. But the good news is the entire Forecasting Hope Series is now avail on DVD (see church office) and on YouTube (click previous link).
PREPARING FOR ADOLESCENCE We listened and discussed all the topics in this book / audiobook with both our son and daughter before they became teens. Topics include avoiding feelings of inferiority, handling peer pressure, drug abuse, puberty, sexual development, menstruation, masturbation, romantic love, overcoming discouragement, sound decision-making, and handling independence. Please do not be too shy to discuss these things. Highly recommend Preparing for Adolescence.
SAVE THOUSANDS ON TUITION TO ADVENTIST COLLEGE Did you know students can clep out of many college courses saving thousands of tuition dollars and maximizing their time at Adventist college by studying Saylor Academy's free online courses at their own pace, paying to take a comprehensive exam, and transfering credits to participating universities? Go to Saylor for more info!
TRUTHLINK Our world is filled with dark rumors and misinformation about God that has many people either running from Him in horror or trying to serve Him like slaves. TruthLink is a unique Bible study experience that achieves a high level of doctrinal clarity while showing the centrality of God’s love to every biblical truth. All you have to do is log in and get started. With the completion of each lesson, you have access to the next topic. [truth]LINK is easy to take with you on your phone or tablet, as well, so you can pick up at any time, anywhere, right where you left off in the series. I highly recommend them for friends and family.
TEN COMMANDMENTS BEFORE SINAI? The ten commandments precede Sinai. We know this is true because references to the ten commandments exist in some form or fashion prior to Sinai. And God could not hold those breaking them accountable if there was no law (Romans 4:15).
- Genesis 35:1 (No other Gods)
- Genesis 35:2 (No graven images)
- Genesis 24:3 (No taking God's name in vain)
- Genesis 2:3 / Exodus 16:28-29 (Remember the seventh day Sabbath)
- Genesis 27:41 (Honor your father and mother)
- Genesis 4:7-9 (No murder)
- Genesis 39:6-9 (No adultery)
- Genesis 44:5 (No stealing)
- Genesis 39:10-12,16-17 (No false witness)
- Genesis 12:18 (No coveting)
TEN COMMANDMENTS AFTER SINAI AND THE CROSS? The ten commandments remain. We know this is true because references to the ten commandments exist in some form or fashion after Sinai and the Cross. And God could not hold those breaking them accountable if there was no law (Romans 4:15).
- Colossians 3:4 ("Don't be greedy...worshiping the things of this world" - no other Gods)
- Colossians 3:5 ("For a greedy person is an idolater" - no graven images)
- Colossians 3:8 ("Now is the time to get rid of...dirty language" - no taking God's name in vain)
- Matthew 24:20 / Hebrews 4:9 / Revelation 14:6-7 ("There is a seventh day Sabbath that remains" - remember the seventh day Sabbath)
- Ephesians 6:1-3 ("Children, obey your parents because you belong to the Lord" - honor your father and mother)
- Colossians 3:8 / 1 John 3:5 ("But now is the time to get rid of anger" - no murder)
- Colossians 3:5 ("Have nothing to do with sexual immorality" - no adultery)
- Ephesians 2:8 ("Quit stealing" - no stealing)
- Colossians 3:9 ("Don't lie" - no false witness)
- Colossians 3:5 NKJV ("Put to death covetousness" - no coveting)
WANNA N.E.W. S.T.A.R.T? Try focusing on better:
- Nutrition. Protein comes from plants too!
- Get more Exercise. Walk an intentional mile every day
- Drink more Water. I like the Kroger carbonated kind
- Take vitamin D3 supplements and try to get some daily Sunshine
- Temperance means abstaining from that which is harmful and moderation in that which is good
- Fresh Air especially at night if possible through open windows; implement and practice daily deep breathing exercises
- Rest. Not just on Sabbath but shutting off screens earlier to get 8 hours of sleep too
- Time with God. Not just on Sabbath but at the beginning and end of every day
CHILD PROTECTION SCREENING PROCESS Now would be a good time to get recertified. The new web-based platform features a training and screening system for both employees and volunteers across all conferences in the division. All volunteers and employees may register by going to Sterling Volunteers.
ELLEN WHITE WEBSITE The internet is a blessing and a curse. One blessing comes in the form of a new website sharing balanced Seventh-day Adventist explanations of Ellen White and the 25 million words, 100k pages, and 49 books she wrote with a third grade education during her lifetime. The curse comes from the myriad of sites sharing inaccurate or intentionally misleading conclusions regarding her ministry. Whether others find her writings helpful or not, shouldn't one make that decision on reputable sources? One of my favorite quotes from her pen is: "Truth can afford to be fair."
DO YOU KNOW HOW YOUR TITHE DOLLARS ARE DISTRIBUTED? By far the largest portion of tithes in the North American Division (NAD) stays locally. For example, this is how a $100 portion of tithes are distributed in the NAD (based on 2018 figures). $66 stays in the local conference (Ohio for us); $10 goes to Defined Benefit Retirement; $9 goes to the Union Conference (Columbia Union Conference for us); $9.15 goes to the NAD; $5.85 goes to the General Conference. This information is taken from the Follow the Funds article on page 11 of the May 2020 issue of Adventist Journey.
TOP THIRTEEN LIST OF JESUS BOOKS FOR NEW ADVENTISTS I'm giving each of my children a box of my fave books. We often give away Tyner's and Vendon's books as graduation gifts. Make sure you, your kids and grandkids have read these! Try before Amazon.
- As Light Lingers by Nina Atcheson
- Searching for the God of Grace by Stuart Tyner
- Salvation by Faith and Your Will by Morris Vendon
- Surprised by Love by Elizabeth Talbot
- I Used to Be Perfect by George Knight
- It’s All About Him by Lee Vendon
- Knowing God in the Real World by Jon Paulien
- Why Didn’t They Tell Me? by Morris Vendon
- Beyond Common Ground: Why Liberals and Conservatives Need Each Other by Alden Thompson
- The Eleventh Commandment by Dwight Nelson
- The Faith I Highly Recommend by John McLarty
- One Miracle After Miracle: The Pavel Goia Story by Greg Budd
- A Thousand Shall Fall by Susi Hasel Mundy
TOP THIRTEEN LIST OF ADVENTIST RESOURCE BOOKS I'm giving each of my children another box of my fave Adventist resource books to help them. Maybe they will help you too?
- 52 Sabbath Activities for Teen Groups by Don Pate
- Pause for Peace by Clifford Goldstein
- Light Bearers to the Remnant by R.W. Schwarz
- Questions on Doctrine edited by George Knight
- Joyful Noise by Ed Christian
- Daniel: Wisdom to the Wise by Zdravko Stefanovic
- Revelation of Jesus Christ by Ranko Stefanovic
- In Granite or Ingrained? by Skip MacCarty
- Graffiti in the Holy of Holies by Clifford Goldstein
- Ellen White Under Fire by Jud Lake
- God’s Character and the Last Generation edited by Jiri Moskala
- Homosexuality, Marriage, and the Church edited by Roy Gane
- The Heavenly Trio by Ty Gibson
THE ADVENTIST GIVING APP We want to continue to give Toledo First the opportunity to participate in the worship of giving. While you can always do so via the church website (, you could also download The Adventist Giving App available in both iOS Appstore and Android’s Google Play store. Just search using the keyword “AdventistGiving” to download the App to your phone or tablet and thank you for continuing to support your local church!
CHERRY STREET MEALS Volunteers are always needed to serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner especially on Sundays and Thanksgiving. You can call Community Relations Manager Susan Graalman at 419-214-3357 or 419-214-3419. You can also email her at
BEST ADVENTIST RECIPE SWAP If you're looking for a favorite vegetarian or vegan recipe from academy, church, or some Adventist friend made for you, it's probably here! Search Facebook for Best Adventist Recipe Swap. Enjoy!
JESUS MOVIES From Babylon to America: The Prophecy Movie, The Game Changers, My Octopus Teacher, I Still Believe, Ray of Hope, The Chosen (Season 1: Episodes 1-8); A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, Harriet, Just Mercy, The Apostle, The Pilgrim's Progress, Luther, Billy Graham: An Extraordinary Journey, Faith, Hope & Love, Christmas Grace; The Nativity Story; The Star; The Conscientious Objector (2004); The Ultimate Gift; Shadowlands; The Shack; Cutback; Soul Surfer; Grace UnPlugged; End of the Spear; The Mission; Beautifully Broken; Running for Grace; Steve McQueen: American Icon; The Resurrection of Gavin Stone; Expelled - No Intelligence Allowed; Is Genesis History?; God's Not Dead; Fireproof; War Room; The Case for Christ; The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry; Amazing Grace; Once I Was a Beehive; I Can Only Imagine.
GEOSCIENCE RESEARCH INSTITUTE If you've never heard of the Geoscience Research Institute, here's their website Established in 1958, this organization is sponsored by the Seventh-day Adventist Church with a mission to discover and share an understanding of nature and its relationship with the Biblical revelation of the Creator God. It has all kinds of resources and articles related to intelligent design and evolution and dinosaurs and many other interesting subjects. I enjoy reading their quarterly email update. You can subscribe by clicking here and filling out the form asking to be included in their quarterly e-newsletter.
NEW SERMONS Please see church Facebook page or church website for sermon archives and more info.
- JUL 10 - TBA (Pastor John Hood Sr. preaching)
- JUL 17 - The Spiritual Armor of God (Matthew Fulghum preaching)
- JUL 24 - Testimony (Cathie Heath preaching)
- JUL 31 - Win Some Witnessing Part 1 - Home (Pastor Mike preaching)