Toledo First Headline News | March 10, 2022

Theological Hmm: Adventist education is the longest and largest evangelistic event in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. This means a total of 9,489 evangelistic sites, with 111,360 evangelists, and 2,044,709 attendants. – John Wesley Taylor

Proud of Oakwood’s basketball team. Sad the Alabama High School Athletic Association wouldn’t work with them. Especially since the other teams were willing to swap time slots. Alabama won’t schedule teams on Sunday so they already recognize a day of rest…just not the 7th.

Dear Heavenly Father,  Our world is smaller than it’s ever been, the conflict in Ukraine affecting us all. We read headlines and get inundated with news. We try to keep up with ever-changing facts, and we feel responsible for sifting through misinformation. As this humanitarian crisis escalates, intense emotions threaten to drown our hearts. And still … we trust in you.

With war and conflict all around us — with suffering blanketing the day and piercing the night — we get overwhelmed. Discouraged. Anxious. Angry. Numb. And still … we believe.

From our limited human perspective, we fail to find answers. It’s why we fold our hands and bow our heads before you, declaring your timeless truth from Psalms (46:1): “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” Because still … you are sovereign.

We pray for the men, women, children and families who are suffering, terrified and seeking asylum as refugees. Lord, you know the breadth and depth of needs, from little children to grown men and women who hold seats of power. Show yourself as Provider; show yourself as King of kings.

And when we struggle to pray for our enemies, we give you our hearts and ask you to make us like your son Jesus. Thank you for never leaving our sides. We trust you with the burdens of the world and praise you for your unchanging presence in our lives. In Jesus name, we pray, Amen (prayer composed by Michael Kruger, President, Adventist Development & Relief Agency).

The Ohio Conference is taking up a special offering for Ukraine during the month of March. If you're able to contribute, donors can mark their tithe envelope “Ukraine” and the option to give online will also be added under “Conference/Union” tab during this month. If you have any follow up questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the Ohio Conference at (937) 741-0236.

Click here to see final drawings and budget documents
for the proposed school addition

Update: anonymous donors have pledged to cover the annual difference between what those voting yes for the school addition can afford to give to cover the interest on the loan. In addition, we could spread out the loan payments or, if we must for any reason in the future, we could also sell the cell tower to avoid defaulting on the loan for the school addition without risking any of our current campus. Additional fund raising efforts are also beginning soon. God is making a way!

All Toledo First members are encouraged to discuss and vote on the proposed school addition during a special business meeting this Sunday March 13, 2022 @ 2:30pm. Church members who are out of state but want to vote will be eligible to do so by using this new Google Form link.

There is a special meeting after church Sabbath at 1:30pm for those interested in working on the Toledo First YouTube Channel, "Truth is Truth.” Join us in creating videos about topics people are searching online and help us reach a whole new audience!

March  3 Craig Horvath, Emma Landeros
March 11 Theresa Brown
March 12 Ideshia Schuler
March 13 John Hood
March 15 Charlotte Herman, Marilynn Marsh
March 26 Leisha Armistead
Please continue to pray for baby Evan Joseph Muniz. It's his one month birthday today! He and parents Mr. Lindsay Muniz (4th and 5th grade teacher at TJA) and wife Jackie (with daughter Isla) are still in Cincinnati for Evan's medical care. We have permission to share this update:

"Thanks for checking in. We have been hanging in there. The good news is that our little Evan has made some major improvements. He is off the ECMO machine and off the oscillator vent and now is on a conventional vent. They have weaned him off the sedation medications which has been nice to see his eyes opening. We had a care conference yesterday. In the conference, the doctors explained to us the options we had to move forward. We decided to go with an operation to fix his paralyzed vocal cords. If the operation is not successful he will then need a trach. Both options have pros and cons to them. We know that the Lord has a special plan for him and he’s showing us through how hard his fighting. He’s back to where he was prior to the sudden infection that caused him to need the ECMO. We are grateful for the ongoing prayers as we embark on the next hurdle of his care. Our goals are to get him home soon so he can meet his church family."

Every theme must clearly reveal as well as exalt God. (Excerpts from The Desire of Ages pp.248, 254-256).

RESOURCES Did you know there's an even shorter National Suicide Prevention Hotline number? Simply dial 988! And don't forget to share the resources and reasons to live below.

 741741 (text)REASONS TO LIVE
  1. The pain won't last forever (Revelation 21:4)
  2. No feeling is final (Psalm 13:1-6)
  3. It's OK to be at rock bottom (Psalm 55:1-6)
  4. Anxiety, Depression, and Suicidal Ideation is treatable (Isaiah 41:10)
  5. God has great things planned for you (Jeremiah 29:11)
  6. You are not alone (Job / Jonah / Samson / Paul)
  7. You would be dearly missed because you are dearly loved (John 3:16)

New sermon series begins Sabbath March 19, 2022. Join us!

  • MAR 12 Youth Day
  • MAR 19 How To Win Friends For Jesus Part 1 - Imitate Christ's Words
  • MAR 26 How To Win Friends For Jesus Part 2 - Imitate Christ's Actions
  • APR 2 How To Win Friends For Jesus Part 3 - Help People Belong
MISS A MESSAGE? Did you know you can read the sermon notes via Google Docs by clicking this link for Pastor Mike's Sermons?
DAD JOKE OF THE WEEK My son just asked me if I ate his Milk Duds…I sat, silently chewing, for the next 7 minutes and then replied…“I don’t appreciate your tone or accusations!”

PATHFINDERS continues next Tuesday, March 15th, at 5:30pm in the church fellowship hall. Please bring a parent, your mask, and a friend! Pathfinders is a co-ed Christian scouting group, for ages 10-16. Kids as young as 8 are welcome to attend with a parent.

Reading Revelation Six Week Group continues Wednesday March 16, 2022 at 7pm socially distanced in the church fellowship hall. Join us!

Kay Ostrander passed away December 25, 2021. Her memorial will occur Sabbath afternoon March 26, 2022 @ 3pm.

SAVE THE DATES APRIL 21-24, 2022 for our Spring evangelistic effort entitled Serpentine Prophecy based on the serpent's words whispered to Eve in Genesis 3:4 "You will not surely die." Ever since, people have been thoroughly confused about what happens when you die. Novelists like Stephen King, author of The Shining, have popularized this misinformation. So Shawn Boonstra, speaker for Voice of Prophecy, filmed on location in the same "haunted" hotel room King made famous. After preaching for 30 minutes to introduce each session, he turns it over to local churches, like ours, to lead small group Bible study. Make plans now to attend! Click here for more info.
Our prayer request box is located in the church foyer near the courtyard doors. Feel free to fill out the cards and drop them in! They will be forwarded to Cindy Crosby, Matthew Fulghum and other prayer warriors at church. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says pray without ceasing!


CURRENT ZOOM MEETING ID If you (or a senior you know) have limited or no internet access but want to listen to church (11am) on your phone, you can call 1 (312) 626-6799 (*long distance charges may apply) and enter Meeting ID 980 4326 7076. When prompted, please also add the password: 4909.

There is a beautiful Sabbath School app now available for download. Search your app store for "Sabbath School & PM."

TruthLink online Bible studies offer doctrinal clarity while
showing the centrality of God's love.

AMAZON SMILE Simply by starting your Amazon shopping at and selecting Toledo Junior Academy as your charity of choice, a percentage of your purchase will go to TJA. Thanks for your support!

ELLEN WHITE WEBSITE The internet is a blessing and a curse. One blessing comes in the form of a website sharing balanced Seventh-day Adventist explanations of Ellen White and the 25 million words, 100k pages, and 49 books she wrote with a third grade education during her lifetime. The curse comes from the myriad of sites sharing inaccurate or intentionally misleading conclusions regarding her ministry. Whether others find her writings helpful or not, shouldn't one make that decision on reputable sources? One of my favorite quotes from her pen is: "Truth can afford to be fair."

Looking for an Adventist recipe like Special K Loaf?
Click the pic for more info.

CHERRY STREET MEALS Volunteers are always needed to serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner especially on Sundays. You can call Community Relations Manager Susan Graalman at 419-214-3357 or 419-214-3419. You can also email her at

To see the latest additions to the growing list click the pic.

This organization sponsored by the Seventh-day Adventist Church helps our understanding of nature and its relationship with the Biblical revelation of the Creator God. Click logo to see their site.