Theological Hmm: Jesus is watching over us with tender compassion; and He is touched with the feelings of our infirmities. No one in his great need ever looked to Him by faith, and was disappointed...The Christian is the happiest man in the world. He feels secure; for he trusts in Jesus, and enjoys His presence. Fix your minds more firmly upon Jesus and heavenly things, remembering that by beholding we become changed. Have courage in God. — Ellen White
Need a quick or not so quick stress-break?
Fresh out of ideas?
Try this: Cut back on ______
Here's a weekly reminder of how to win friends for Jesus: - Offer Sympathy (Matthew 14:10-14) - Ask Questions (Genesis 3:9) - Humbly Share (Ephesians 4:15) - Make Invitations (Matthew 16:24) - Encourage and Affirm (John 1:43-47)
We're so glad to welcome Scott, Ethan, Emily, and Alexia to Toledo First! They got baptized last Sabbath at Toledo First. We're also happy to welcome Suzy (Profession of Faith) Jewell and Jerry (Transfers) who joined last week as well.
Congratulations Vicky Avalos!
Vicky was baptized at Northwood on Tuesday but she is a new member here at Toledo First! Welcome Vicky!
Fortunate 15+ Farewell
Dear Toledo First Church Family, every good story has a beginning, middle, and end. Much to our surprise, after nearly sixteen years, our part in Toledo First Church’s story is nearing the end. We will miss you! Click here to read the rest of Pastor Mike's farewell.
Pastor Mike concluded the Dare To Be A Daniel series of sermons last week with a sermon on the time prophecies above. Click here to see the notes. Click here to watch the sermon.
We can be proud of Oakwood Adventist Academy's basketball team and now even the Alabama High School Athletic Association who have settled their suit resolving in the future to reschedule all games that conflict with the Bible's seventh-day Sabbath. For more info, see this news update.
OCT 15 Farewell Toledo - Pastor Mike
OCT 22 Pastor Steve
OCT 29 Ringfest
NOV 5 Education Day
MISS A MESSAGE? Did you know you can read the sermon notes via Google Docs by clicking this link for Pastor Mike's Sermons?
Ringfest Concert 2022 is Friday October 28 @ 7:30pm.
DAD JOKE OF THE WEEK I’m not trying to make waves here, but in my opinion, Dove chocolate tastes way better than their soap.
There is one great central truth to be kept ever before the mind in the searching of Scripture — Christ and Him crucified. Every other truth is invested with influence and power corresponding to its relation to this theme. The sacrifice of Christ as an atonement for sin is the great truth around which all other truths cluster. In order to be rightly understood and appreciated, every truth in the Word of God, from Genesis to Revelation, must be studied in the light that stream from the cross of Calvary. — Ellen White
Toledo Junior Academy Education Day
Sabbath November 5th
Food Pantry Wishlist:
spaghetti noodles
instant oatmeal
peanut butter
canned fruit
green beans corn
Wonderful opportunity for someone to help with the church bread ministry. It's a great way to serve the Lord and it's only for one hour 2 Fridays a month. Please let the office know if you can help!
Bonnie Mattison: Health and healing from cancer
Bobby Ostrander: Health and healing from cancer, comfort, and peace
Debbie (Cathie H’s friend): Healing for her legs
Jonathan (Cathie’s son): Strength from the Lord
Aranda Family: Strength to carry on after losing a child
Fred Shook(Mary S’s friend): Comfort for the loss of Karen
Kim B: Restoration of health and healing for stomach pain
Mary Snowberger: Improvements of her health
Diana: To find a new safe home
Annette Martes: Health and healing
Efrain Martes: Recovery from a surgical procedure
Fern Baer: Health and healing for her lymphoma, comfort and joy
Jean Kline: Health and healing during her current health trials
Charles Jake: Healing and health
Kimiko Kawakami: Healing and health
Charles Payne: He will be able to return to Andrews University
Travis: He is hurting and sad. He needs to know and trust Jesus.
Bev Ostrander: Healing from accidental injury
Victoria Williams: Help finding an affordable home health aide
Saira Fryman: Health and healing
Dennis Fryman: Health, healing and rehabilitation
Linda Fryman: Health and healing, peace, joy as she lives with Parkinson’s
Jeff: Finding full-time work and relief from stress
Peggy Willardo: Healing from health problems & help with anxiety
Dottie Hall: Comfort after husband's passing & healing from cancer
Susan Kay Carter: Comfort & peace after her daughter's unexpected passing
Don't forget the Secret Sister Program will start in January. Ladies who would like to participate should fill out an interest card located on the table in the foyer and place the card in the basket. Please turn in your card by December 3rd.
See Cathie Heath for questions.
“Women’s Ministries is looking forward to planning future events and serving the women of our church and community. If you would like to donate funds to this ministry please mark your tithe envelopes and designate your online donations as such. For questions related to Women’s Ministries see our new director Janessa Garman. Thank you Janessa for your willingness to serve!
Northwood Community Closet
Thursdays 9:00-11:00
Parkwood King's Clothing Closet
Tuesdays 9:00-1:00
God's Pantry Wednesdays 12:00 - 3:00
OCT 1 Megan Cross, Regina Davis OCT 2 Dr. Steven Bills OCT 4 Mary Famulare OCT 5 Cathie Heath OCT 8 William Ashley (Bill) OCT 9 Katie Swackhamer OCT 10 Denise Edwards, Arthur Buckheim OCT 11 Marshall Makley OCT 14 Pat Olenik OCT 18 Bill Schulz, Olga Villalon OCT 21 Nia Jake OCT 23 Jean Kline, Kim Williams OCT 26 Wil Ashley OCT 29 Will Orlet OCT 30 Dominic Butler OCT 31 Rose Cross
Archived presentations from Prophecies of Hope can be found by scrolling to "videos" and searching by date on church Facebook page. You do not need a Facebook page to access the church Facebook page.
Bread from Heaven Ministry
If you know someone in need, tell them we have bread from Panera in the kitchen on Fridays from 9:00am-10:00 am
There is a beautiful Sabbath School app now available for download. Search your app store for "Sabbath School & PM."
AMAZON SMILE Simply by starting your Amazon shopping at and selecting Toledo Junior Academy as your charity of choice, a percentage of your purchase will go to TJA. Thanks for your support!
If you're able and willing to cheerfully support (2 Corinthians 9:7) our school building addition, please consider adding it to your monthly contributions. Every little bit will help us pay for the loan. Thank you for helping us introduce more students at Toledo Junior Academy to Jesus and do more good (Psalm 51:18)!
Our prayer request AND PRAISE box is in the church foyer near the courtyard doors. Please feel free to fill out the cards and drop them in! Cindy Crosby, Matthew Fulghum and other prayer warriors at church are eagerly waiting to hear from you! 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says pray without ceasing!
TruthLink online Bible studies offer doctrinal clarity while showing the centrality of God's love.