Theological Hmm: I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit. - Romans 15:13 NLT
Coming soon:
- CHRISTMAS EVE THANK YOU We collected $1,569.99 for The Pregnancy Center during the offering collection at our Community Christmas Eve service
- THANK YOU LIFE SAVER CHRISTMAS KITS We collected $1,415 for ADRA so far this month. DEC 29 is our last offering for them
- 4Q FINANCIAL UPDATE our church treasurer Duane shares that we have received 90% ($136,339) of the anticipated $151,340 we need for local church budget. Thanks for your cheerful financial support. To count for 2018 taxes, your tithes and offerings must be received no later than DEC 31, 2018
- OPEN TABLE CONTINUES Please pray for our Open Table volunteers
- SPANISH ADVENTIST GROUP OF TOLEDO meets each Sabbath in the Fellowship Room from 9:00am - 12:15pm. Please keep hallway and kitchen noise to a minimum. Here's their Facebook page
- CHURCH MAILBOX Please check your church mailbox periodically. You may have mail! All church members should have a mailbox. If you don’t have one, please call the church office
- LOST AND FOUND items are above the coat rack on the west side of the foyer. Please take dishes/cookware left in the kitchen as well
- LEADERSHIP TRAINING ARCHIVE is avail online. So if you missed it 12/1, you can now watch and send me your TF Takeaways
- PLEASE DO NOT SALT the new concrete in our church courtyard when it snows. It could cause damage. The courtyard will be heated to melt snow and ice from beneath
- SUNDAY BIBLE STUDY GROUP 10am-12noon for Bible Study with Regina Davis—at church and continues Sundays same time. Everyone is invited
- WOMEN'S PRAYER GROUP resumes in church office after church on JAN 5, 2019
- YOUTH MISSION TRIP MEETING JAN 5 Teens and parents are invited to a short informational meeting at the front of the church near the baptistry on JAN 5. For the project we will be joining another group of teens and building a school along the Amazon River. It will be an amazing opportunity to show God’s love to a remote village and provide a way for local kids to access an education. Join us!
- PRAYER EMPHASIS DAY JAN 5 Join your Ohio Conference family on January 5, 2019. Make the day meaningful, memorable, experiential and full of God’s presence
- YOUTH LAN PARTY JAN 5 Bring your computer (and a fave snack to share) to the fellowship hall for some serious gaming from 6-10pm
- INVITATIONS GROUP JAN 5 & 12 Please contact Felipe Zapata (419.250.5889; to join the group handing out Your Health Your Choice invitation cards after church #blessedtobeablessing
- SOUP FOR YOU RESUMES JAN 9 (and continues 1/16; 1/23; 1/30; 2/6; 2/13). We will be discussing Tom Hughes' book Perfect Grace! at 6:30pm. Books are available in the church office for a donation of $5. Let us show you how to lead a small group. Then you can tell others how somewhere else. Would make a great Six Week Group book
- ENTRANCE TO TF CHURCH BIBLE STUDY RESUMES JAN 12 @ 5pm in the church office (and 1/26)
- PROFESSIONAL BULL RIDERS AT HUNTINGTON CENTER JAN 12 car pool with others from church at 6pm to see the Professional Bull Riders. Reduced ticket price is $10 / ticket minimum donation. Sign up on church bulletin board or RSVP church office 419.882.6200 before 1/7/19; pay Randy Neal that night
- SCRAPBOOKING / CRAFTING / CARD MAKING JAN 13 from 10am - 8pm. Pick up a bright yellow registration form at the foyer table
- TJA KINDERGARTEN ROUNDUP AND VISITORS DAY JAN 16 begins at 9am and concludes at 11am. Contact TJA for more info 419.841.0082 and help us recruit for Kindergarten next school year
- YOUTH PIZZA MAKING / AFTERNOON SERVICE PROJECT JAN 19 Join us in the kitchen right after regular potluck begins. Service project (3-5pm) follows pizza making
- YOUR HEALTH YOUR CHOICE JAN 18-19, 2019 Are you enjoying good health? Are you sleeping well at night? Do you have unanswered questions about your health you would like to ask a doctor for free? If so, join us for Your Health Your Choice with Dr. Charles David (retired MD and missionary who travels the world sharing his expertise). Your Health Your Choice is free and open to the public. So make plans now to spend a rewarding Friday evening vespers JAN 18 @ 7:30pm and SAT JAN 19 @ 11am and (new time) 5:30pm
- PANCAKE BREAKFAST / CHURCH BUSINESS MEETING SUN JAN 20 Pancakes served @ 9-9:30am; Church Business Meeting follows at 10am
- TJA SPAGHETTI DINNER AND MOVIE NIGHT JAN 26 @ 6:30pm. Come and support our school and students
- TOBOGGANING FEB 2 at Pokagon State Park, Angola, Indiana. Meet at canopy side of church at 4pm. Cost is $5 per person and includes pizza on the way home. Everyone’s invited!
- INVITATIONS GROUP FEB 2 & 9 Please contact Felipe Zapata (419.250.5889; to join the group handing out Valentines for Toledo invitation cards after church #blessedtobeablessing
- VALENTINES FOR TOLEDO FEB 16 Our annual winter church evangelistic effort is coming so save the date and time 7-8:30pm for a very special concert featuring teenage piano protege Elle Rhee. Invite cards will be available two weeks before. This year's love offering will benefit the local non-profit organization she started called "Spectacles for Students"
- FIFTH SERVICE SABBATHS 2019 Mark your calendars and bring your sack lunch / tools / service clothes. The church will be open all morning but no organized worship service will occur 3/30; 6/29; 8/31 and 11/30. We encourage you instead to plan ahead as Sabbath Schools or Six Week Groups or church friends to be a blessing to the poor and needy in our community and have one person prepared to share what you did the following Sabbath during church. May God help us stop pretending to be pious religious know it alls. The end! #Deuteronomy 7:10 #Luke20:45-47
- JESUS MOVIES What's your fave? Christmas Grace; The Nativity Story; The Star; The Conscientious Objector (2004); The Ultimate Gift; Shadowlands; The Shack; Cutback; Soul Surfer; Grace UnPlugged; End of the Spear; The Mission; Beautifully Broken; Running for Grace; Steve McQueen: American Icon; The Resurrection of Gavin Stone; Expelled - No Intelligence Allowed; Is Genesis History?; God's Not Dead; Fireproof; War Room; The Case for Christ; The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry; Amazing Grace; Once I Was a Beehive; I Can Only Imagine
- GEOSCIENCE RESEARCH INSTITUTE If you've never heard of the Geoscience Research Institute, here's their website
Established in 1958, this organization is sponsored by the Seventh-day Adventist Church with a mission to discover and share an understanding of nature and its relationship with the Biblical revelation of the Creator God. It has all kinds of resources and articles related to intelligent design and evolution and dinosaurs and many other interesting subjects. I enjoy reading their quarterly email update. You can subscribe by clicking here and filling out the form asking to be included in their quarterly e-newsletter - ONLINE BIBLE STUDIES The Discover Bible Study series is online. Anyone can enroll and complete them in the privacy and comfort of their own home minus all the USPS mailings. Good for friends and family interested in becoming acquainted with the Bible and finding answers for facing the issues and challenges you deal with every day. Remember and refer others to this website:
- PRAYERS AND PRAISES Because we need to be praising God with our lips (Psalm 63:3), here's another CathieH directly at with your praise. Yes, it can be anonymous, if you prefer. Just specify in your email you don't want your name mentioned. You can still write your prayers & praises and put them in the box at the foot of the cross in the foyer at the courtyard exit doors. Cards and pencils are provided
- BEST COMMENTARIES ON DANIEL AND REVELATION Want a chapter-by-chapter, verse-by-verse practical but thorough commentary on the book of Daniel or Revelation from an Adventist viewpoint? Here's what I use and recommend Daniel: Wisdom to the Wise and Revelation of Jesus Christ
NEW SERMONS Please see church website for sermon archives and more info at
- DEC 29 - Nearing the End of the Beginning: Part 1 (Pastor Mike preaching from Luke 21:5-19)
- JAN 5 - Nearing the End of the Beginning: Part 2 (Pastor Mike preaching from Luke 21:20-28)
- JAN 12 - Nearing the End of the Beginning: Part 3 (Pastor Mike preaching from Luke 21:29-38)
- JAN 19 - Betrayed (Pastor Mike preaching from Luke 22:1-6)
- OUR WELCOME We extend a special welcome to those who are single, married, divorced, gay, filthy rich, dirt poor, y no habla ingles. We extend a special welcome to those who are crying newborns, skinny as a rail, or could afford to lose a few pounds. We welcome you if you sing like Andrea Bocelli or can’t carry a note in a bucket. You’re welcome here if you’re just browsing, just woke up, or just got out of jail. We don’t care if you’re more Catholic than the Pope, or haven’t been in church since little Joey’s baptism. We welcome service dogs and their handlers. We welcome Muslims, Jews, politicians, and sinners like us. We extend a special welcome to those who are over 60 but not grown up yet, and to teenagers who are growing up too fast. We welcome soccer moms, NASCAR dads, starving artists, tree-huggers, latte-sippers, vegetarians, junk- food eaters. We welcome those who are in recovery or still addicted. We welcome you if you’re having problems, or you’re down in the dumps, or you don’t like “organized religion;” we’ve been there too. If you blew all your offering money at the casino, you’re welcome here. We offer a special welcome to those who think the earth is flat, who work hard, don’t work, can’t spell, or come because grandma is in town and wanted to go to church. We welcome those who are inked, pierced, or both. We offer a special welcome to those who could use a prayer right now, had religion shoved down your throat as a kid, or got lost in traffic and wound up here by mistake. We welcome tourists, seekers, doubters, bleeding hearts...and you.
- OUR STORY Our church website at the very bottom of the home page has an excellent downloadable resource featuring our story and explanation of our unique Christian Adventist emphasis. It's called the Toledo First Assimilation Manual and if you've never read it, I would encourage you to do so. And don't forget, God loves you like crazy. And so do we (2 Corinthians 5:13-14 NLT)!
Love ye,