Toledo First Headline News | October 24, 2024


Message From Kojo

BIBLE ENCOURAGEMENT: "Judge not, that ye be not judged." (Matthew 7:1, KJV)

LAST SABBATH (Oct 19): Several women expressed that they enjoyed the Women's Wildwood Park walk, much appreciation to those who came to assist with RingFest set up, and praise God for the four souls who responded to the appeal during worship service to join our church. 

THIS SABBATH (Oct 26): I invite you to an incredible worship experience this Saturday. We continue our series on the Sermon on the Mount called Greater Satisfaction, and the topic is "Don't Judge Me." It's bound to be a good message.

RINGFEST: RingFest starts next week Thursday (10/31). The concert will be on Friday night (11/1), and a student-led worship on Saturday morning (11/2). You are invited to these powerful worship opportunities. 

MINISTRY TEAMS: Are you serving on a ministry team? If not, I invite you to consider serving on one. Our church is getting ready to select ministry teams for 2025, and if you have a particular area you would like to serve, let me know. 

OUT OF TOWN: I will be out of town from Nov 1-5 for North American Division Year-end meetings. You can still reach me via phone & email, though my response time will be slower. 

LIFE CHANGING FAMILY LIFE WEEKEND: Andrew and Robin Bair will come to our church from November 8-9 to host six transformational workshops on various aspects of the family. Save those dates in your calendar, and show up!

WHAT DOES YOUR GIVING DO? It helps our church feed people through our pantry, assist people going through a hard time, provide a place for community, and educate young minds about Jesus. Consider returning 10% of your income to God, a tithe, and then giving 5-10% as an offering to our church's combined budget. Salvation is free, but ministry costs money. 

God bless, and if I can be of assistance, please let me know. 

Kojo | Pastor

PS: Remember, our God is Greater!

The University of Toledo is looking for community families to host international students for Thanksgiving dinner.

Next Meeting:
October 26th  7:00pm

Community Service 

New members always welcome.


Next Meeting: October 29th

Dunes Orders
Please pick up 
 revised list in foyer!
Orders due:
Friday November 1st
Order Pick-up:
Tuesday November 12th 

Next order in March


On November 3rd,
Move Your Clocks Back One Hour

Do you have or know someone who may have contact information for Charlotte Snyder? Someone recently emailed the church looking for her contact information.If you have any information, please let Suzy know. Thanks!!!


- Singspiration 9:30am
- Sabbath School 10:00am
- Worship 11:00am with Annette Martes
- Prayer Meeting 8:00am
- God’s Pantry 12:00 - 2:30pm
- Prayer Meeting 6:00pm
- Bible Study 6:30pm
- RIngfest!
25 - Young Adult Gathering 7:00pm
26 - Care Sabbath 12:00pm
26 - Pathfinders Community Service 7:00pm
27 - Pathfinder Community Service 11:00am
29 - Adventurers Meeting 6:00pm
31 - Ringfest Starts 
1 - Dunes Orders Due
1 - Ringfest Concert
2 - Ringfest Sabbath 11:00am
3 - Fall Back Daylight Savings Time Ends 
5 - Adventurers 6:00pm
8 - Family Life Weekend 6:00pm
9 - Family Life Weekend 10:00am
10 - Church Business Meeting 11:00am
12 - Dunes Order Pick Up
16 - Communion 
16 - Pathfinder Induction Ceremony 4:00pm
16 - Music JamFest 6:00pm
17 - Women's Ministry Workshop TBD
17 - Parkwood Fall Festival 1:00pm
19 - Adventurer Meeting 6:00pm
22 - Young Adult Gathering 7:00pm
23 - Care Sabbath 12:00pm
23 - Youth Vespers 4:00pm
23 - Pickleball Night 6:00pm
30 - Thanksgiving Sabbath 11:00am
30 - Pathfinders Dinner & Zoo Lights 4:00pm
1 - Elders Meeting 11:00am
3 - Adventurers Meeting 6:00pm
5 - TJA Christmas Program
7 - Secret Sisters Lunch 1:00pm
7 - Adventurers Award/Movie Night 4:00pm
10 - Ringfest 2025 Planning Meeting 6:00pm
13 - Young Adult Gathering 7:00pm
14 - Potluck 1:00pm
14 - Music JamFest 6:00pm
17 - Adventurers Meeting 6:00pm
20 - Youth Vespers 6:00pm
21 - Advent Sabbath 11:00am
28 - Joint Worship with Northwood 11:00am
28 - Potluck 1:00pm

Sara Fryman:
Needs blessings of health & healing
Kay Jakubowski (Tracys' SIL):
Diagnosed with Stage 4 pancreatic cancer.
Linda Fryman (Sara's mom):
Stage 3 Kidney Disease
Jean Kline:
Is in serious condition in the hospital.
Ariel RIchardson:
Is in serious condition in the hospital.
Glen Horvath:
Healing for issues with his colon.
God will grant her wisdom & discernment to hear His voice.
She will KNOW Jesus & be freed from worldly vices.
Him and his family will know biblical truth, especially about Jesus.
Amber (Doreen's daughter):
Has 5 cerebral blood clots.
Donald (Mike's BIL):
Healing of cancer
Melissa (Mike's Daughter):
Healing of oral cancer
Guidance & healing for bone structure health issues
Protections and peace from the Lord
Loni Orlet:
Recovery from back challenges
Marcus (Charles Jakes Nephew In-Law):
Vision recovery
 Blessings in finding a new place to live
Joshua Whitaker:
Shelter & healing
Healing for heart and stroke problems, job success
Family healing
Cavin Atkins:
Healing of eyes
Efrain Martes:
Healing for back & leg pain
Jonathan (Cathie’s son):
Strength from the Lord
Annette Martes:
Health & healing
Kimiko Kawakami:
Healing & health

Praying for Families that have lost loved ones:
Kay Kermode's Family:
Kay Kermode passed away last month.
Susan Cassar:
Her father-in-law, George Cassar.
The Hall - Orr Family:
Their father, grandfather & great grandfather, Bill Schulz.
Bill Crosby:
His wife, Sharon.
Ostrander Family:
Their mother, Bev Ostrander
Megan Cross:
Her sister, Nella Bowles.  
Cindy Naus:
Her daughter in-law, Janet Naus.
Karen Casto:
Her mother Helen Konewka.
Natalie Hood:
Her grandfather, Carl Koontz.
Daniel Wiafe-Annoh & Family:
His father, Edward Wiafe-Annoh.
Sheridan Ellis & Family:
Her brother, Franklin Nugent.
Cynthia Coffee:
Her cousin and close friend.
Linda Bilby & Family:
Her sister-in-law, Kelly Rutter.
Carol Skadsheim & Family:
Her husband, Mel Skadsheim.
Ideisha Schumaker:
Her mother, Gloria Clark.

I just started reading a book about anti-gravity. It's impossible to put down.

If you are wrong,
admit it quickly and clearly.

Luke 19:8


OCT 1           
Regina Davis

OCT 2           
Dr. Steven Bills

OCT 4           
Mary Famulare

OCT 5           
Cathie Heath

OCT 8           
William Ashley (Bill)

OCT 9           
Katie Swackhamer

OCT 10         
Denise Edwards 
Susan Cassar

OCT 11         
Marshall Makley

OCT 14         
Megan Cross
Pat Olenik 

OCT 18         
Olga Villalon

OCT 21         
Charlotte Flack
Nia Jake

OCT 23         
Jean Kline
Kim Williams

OCT 26         
Will Ashley

OCT 29         
Will Orlet

OCT 30         
August Butler

OCT 31         
Rose Cross


NOV   2         
Jerry Carter

NOV   3        
Leisha Barbee

NOV   7        
Gabriel Landeros

NOV 11        
George Jenkins

NOV 14        
Daniel Landeros

NOV 15        
Fern Baer

NOV 17        
Will Frey
Pat Kline

NOV 18        
Marilu Beebe

NOV 28        
Callie Hood

NOV 30        
Alex Bills
Kathryn Landeros


Sabbath School App
Carry your quarterly everywhere you go!
Search your app store for
"Sabbath School & PM."


God's Pantry


12:00 - 2:30

The pantry always needs canned fruits, vegetables, instant oatmeal, peanut butter, pasta sauce, and more.


    By appointment only.
419) 705-5164

The closet always appreciates donation of  used clothes and household items, as well as, new hygiene  items.


Lost Something?

Please look in the lost and found box by the office. If it's not there, please contact the office at 419-882-6200. 


Toledo First SDA Church Service

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If you're able and willing to cheerfully support (2 Corinthians 9:7) our school building addition, please consider adding it to your monthly contributions. Every little bit will help us reach our goal of building the addition debt-free. Thank you for helping us introduce more students at Toledo Junior Academy to Jesus and do more good (Psalm 51:18)!